Thinking Styles



A powerful tool with many applications, Thinking Styles identifies how preferred methods of thought drive behaviour and communication, and provides insight into how these preferences affect the cognitive strategies and social relationships of individuals at work. It provides a comprehensive framework for understanding how individuals think and process information, and can work well in many development contexts.

Thinking Styles is ideal to identify individuals with the capacity to meet the cognitive requirements of new responsibilities, and can indicate which individuals will perform best in roles where thinking quality and strength of working relationships are critical to success. It can be used as an individual development tool, aiding in increasing self-awareness, leveraging strengths, and developing areas of potential, as well as mapping the development of individual thinking over time. By providing its recipients with a model and vocabulary to understand thought process, Thinking Styles can also supplement teamwork and group understanding, improving working relationships and contributing to organisational success.


20 minutes
163 items
Likert scale

Visual thinking, auditory thinking, kinesthetic thinking, digital thinking

Internal thinking, external thinking, self-referenced thinking, altruistic thinking, conforming thinking, challenging thinking, collaborative thinking, competitive thinking

Detail-conscious thinking, strategic thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking, options thinking, procedural thinking, towards thinking, troubleshooting thinking, proactive thinking, reactive thinking, simplicity thinking, complexity thinking, sameness thinking, differences thinking